Skating Information

Basic Information

Dates: January 29 through March 4 (all students will skate for 5 weeks)

Cost: $12 (Rents skates and wrist guards for student)

Frequently asked questions

Q: Can my student bring their own skates?

A: No, due to insurance purposes, all students must use Skatetime equipment. 

Q: Can my student bring a bike helmet from home when skating?

A: Yes, any student my bring a helmet from home to wear for added safety. Helmets will not be provided by Skatetime or Hendrix. 

Q: Can students rent in-line (roller blades) skates?

A: No, we will be skating on quad (traditional) skates.

Q: What skills will be covered in the skating unit?

A: Properly putting on gear, standing up, falling safety, starting and stopping, and turning are some of the basic skills that will be taught. More advanced skills will be taught to students who master the basics. 

Q: If I lose my permission slip, what do I do?

A: Come by the front office at HES. The greeting desk has more. Or email Coach Pitman and he will email one to you. Coach's email is at the bottom of this page. 

Q: When is the last day I can pay?

A: We can take money up to the last day we skate. So if you don't have the money now, you can pay later if needed. 

Gym set up example

Lane 1- Tumbling mats will be put down for beginner skaters to make control easier

Lane 2- For beginner and intermediate skaters. This lane is for our slower skaters.

Lane 3- For intermediate to advanced. This lane is for our faster skaters. 

Our students safety is our #1 priority. Students will be required to wear wrist braces during class and will be asked to follow all safety rules and guidelines. Any student that refuses to do so will not be allowed to skate.  

If you have any questions or concerns please email Coach Pitman:

Here is a link to the company we are partnered with:

Permission Slip Skatetime 01.17.pdf