Student Services

Media Center (CLICK HERE)

School Resource Officer (CLICK HERE)

Reading Recovery (CLICK HERE)

Guidance (CLICK HERE)

Reading Coach (Coming Soon)

Speech (Coming Soon)

Special Services (Coming Soon)

School Nurse


Healthy Smiles

Help Prevent the Spread of Germs

Medication Guidelines

Permission for Non-Prescription Medication

Permission for Prescription Medication

Field Trip Student Health History 2012 revised to exclude NPM

Important Announcement- Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, all students entering seventh grade must receive or have already received a dose of Tdap vaccine on or after their seventh birthday to protect them from pertussis (whooping cough). Your child's school will need a South Carolina Certificate of Immunization showing that he or she has received this newly required Tdap vaccine. Please call Nurse Lennon if you have any questions.

District One Schools promotes the continued health of all students and employees through awareness and education on healthy best practices. You may or may not be aware, but we are seeing an increase in the number student and staff absences dues to flu and flu-like symptoms. Practicing healthy actions can help reduce and in many cases prevent the spread of germs.

Hand washing will help reduce the spread of germs at school, the workplace, and in the home setting. Children should always wash their hands after visits to the restroom and before eating. Encourage your children to keep their hands away from their eyes, nose, hair and mouth as these are prime entries for germs. Children should use tissues when they sneeze and throw the tissues directly in the trash and wash hands. If tissues aren’t readily available, children should sneeze into the curve of their arm. Colds and illnesses such as the flu are usually spread through coughs and sneezes. This is known as “droplet spread.”

If your child has not had the influenza vaccine, it is highly suggested by Matt Petrofes, Director of Region 2 DHEC, that they be immunized. The flu vaccination is available and in good supply at local health departments and doctor’s offices. Pharmacies may not have the children’s dose of the vaccine.

Healthy children learn better, and following the above guidelines will afford your child the opportunity to stay healthy. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your children in our schools every day.

For additional information see attached informational flyer from the Centers for Disease Control at the top of this page.