Course Syllabus
COURSE NAME: Aerospace Science 220: Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Global Awareness; Leadership Education 200: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership
CREDIT HOURS: (1) Physical Education OR Elective Credit for the entire year
INSTRUCTOR’S NAMES: Captain Pina & MSgt Araujo
Aerospace Science 220: Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Global Awareness
1st Semester Chapter 1: The Middle East
1st Semester Chapter 2: Asia
1st Semester Chapter 3: Africa
2nd Semester Chapter 4: Russia and the Former Soviet Republics
2nd Semester Chapter 5: Latin America
2nd Semester Chapter 6: Europe
Leadership Education 200: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership
1st Semester Unit 1: Learning and Communication
1st Semester Unit 2: Communicating Effectively
1st Semester Unit 3: Understanding Your Attitude
1st Semester Unit 4: Understanding Your Actions
2nd Semester Unit 5: Developing Vision and Teams
2nd Semester Unit 6: Solving Conflicts and Problems
2nd Semester Unit 7: A Leadership Model
2nd Semester Unit 8: Adaptive Leadership
Leadership Education: Drill and Ceremonies: Drill Curriculum (Cumulative) AF Manual 36-2203, V-2627 (Will not exceed 50% of LE material)
1st Semester Chapter 1: Introduction to Drill and Ceremonies
1st Semester Chapter 2: Commands and the Command Voice
1st Semester Chapter 3: Individual Instruction
2nd Semester Chapter 4: Drill of the Flight
TURNING POINT CLOUD (TPC): The TPC instructional system is provided by HQ AFJROTC and will be used during all instructional lessons. Cadets will be expected to learn how to use the TPC remotes or use their electronic device with the “App” installed.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course consists of three components: Aerospace Science (40%), Leadership Education (40%), and Wellness/Physical Fitness (20%). The Aerospace Science 220 portion is a customized course about the world’s cultures. The course is specifically created for the US Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force Junior ROTC programs. It introduces students to the world’s cultures through the study of world affairs, regional studies, and cultural awareness. The course delves into history, geography, religions, languages, culture, political systems, economics, social issues, environmental concerns, and human rights. It looks at major events and significant figures that have shaped each region. Throughout the course, there are readings, video segments, hands-on activities, other optional activities, technology enrichment, and assessments to guide in the reinforcement of the materials. Leadership Education 200 is a customized course designed to improve communication, enhance awareness of self and others, and provide fundamentals of leadership and followership. The course focuses on the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFJROTC) mission to “develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.” Woven throughout is the underlying theme of developing personal integrity. The course also emphasizes leadership and values such as service and excellence. Drill Curriculum is the drill and ceremonies portion of this course. Cadets will be taught the fundamentals of basic drill and describes individual and group precision movements, procedures for saluting, drill, ceremonies, reviews, parades, and development of the command voice. Students are provided detailed instruction on ceremonial performances and protocol for civilian and military events and have the opportunity to personally learn drill. Most of the work is to be hands-on. The Wellness/Physical Fitness portion incorporates the Cadet Health and Wellness Program (CHWP). The CHWP is an exercise program focused upon individual baseline improvements with the goal of achieving a Presidential Physical Fitness standard calculated with age and gender. The goal of the CHWP is to motivate JROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives. Cadets will be given the opportunity to put into practice the wellness concepts that are taught in Leadership Education 1. Students WILL wear the Air Force JROTC uniform weekly (Wednesday) and the issued PT uniform on Fridays.
Aerospace Science 220:
1. Know how historical, geographic, religious, and ethnic factors have shaped the six major regions of the world.
2. Know how economic, political, and social factors impact cultures.
3. Know how environmental resources influence global economic development.
4. Know how population density, famine, war, and immigration influence the world.
5. Know how the economic systems of communism and capitalism have shaped the six major regions of the world.
6. Comprehend how cultural perspectives of time, space, context, authority, interpersonal relationships, and orientation to community affect interactions among people.
Leadership Education 200: Communication, Awareness, and Leadership
1. Analyze the key factors in communication and critical thinking.
2. Apply the elements of effective writing and public speaking.
3. Analyze the importance of attitude in daily life.
4. Evaluate the ways in which personality and behavior affect relationships with others.
5. Analyze the foundation for an effective team.
6. Apply effective problem-solving and consensus-building methods
7. Analyze the Air Force leadership model.
8. Evaluate effective leadership and followership.
Drill and Ceremonies:
1. Know the importance of drill and ceremonies.
2. Know basic commands and characteristics of the command voice.
3. Apply and execute the concepts and principles of basic drill positions and movements.
4. Know when and how to salute.
5. Apply the principles and procedures of drill movements used with smaller units to the movement of a squadron.
Wellness and Physical Fitness:
1. Motivate AFJROTC cadets to lead active, healthy lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives.
2. Create an individualized training program based on national standards by age and gender.
3. Identify areas of improvements for each cadet and provide guidance for improvement.
4. Incorporate a physical training program to reach fitness goals.
UNIFORM DAY: WEDNESDAY and “Special Events” such as Military Ball, Veterans Day, Pass-in-Review, etc. Cadets are required to wear their Physical Training uniform on FRIDAYS.
GRADING PROCEDURES: Grades from the Aerospace Science portion of the course count 40% of the AFJROTC final grade and will be graded by the SASI. The Leadership Education portion of the grade counts 40% of the final grade and will be graded by the ASI. The wellness portion of the program counts for the remaining 20% of the final grade and will be graded by the SASI and/or ASI. Drill will be evaluated by the ASI and the SASI. Grades will be computed in accordance with standard district grading policy.
Uniform Wear
Physical Training (PT)
LE-200 Assignments 50% of the Uniform Grade
Parades, Special Events
Class Work and Drill Evaluations
GRADING SCALE: As set by the Texas State Board of Education
GRADE Percentage Required
A 90 and above
B 80-89
C 70-79
F 69 and below
Uniform Inspections 40%
Classroom work/Participation 10%
Chapter tests 30%
PT participation 20%
UNIFORM WEAR (Major Grade): May earn up to 100 points, weighted 60%. Uniform wear is a large part of the Air Force JROTC program. ALL cadets are required to wear the appropriate uniform each Wednesday, from the start of the school day until released. Failure to wear the uniform as required will result in removal from AFJROTC. Below are three different scenarios regarding uniform wear grading:
Cadet has an excused absence on uniform day: The cadet may wear the uniform the first day upon return to school for full credit. Two days later, maximum 80%. Three days or more = a zero.
Cadet has an unexcused absence on uniform day: The cadet may wear the uniform the next school day for a maximum grade of 80%. If not completed then, the grade will be a zero.
Cadet fails to wear the uniform on the designated day and is present in class: Grade will be a zero with no makeup opportunity.
PT UNIFORM/PARTICIPATION GRADE (Minor Grade): May earn up to 100 points, weighted 40%. The cadet will earn 50 points for dressing in the issued PT Gear and 50 points for participation in that day’s activities.
MAJOR TESTS (Major Grade): May earn up to 100 points, weighted 60%. As opposed to short quizzes, these tests will cover a larger volume of information. SOME TESTS WILL BE GIVEN USING THE TURNING POINT CLOUD (TPC) SYSTEM.
MAJOR EVENTS (Major Grade): May earn up to 100 points, weighted 60%. A cadet’s grade for this activity is based on participation and wear of the appropriate uniform for the event.
QUIZZES, CLASSWORK AND DRILL EVALS: May earn up to 100 points, weighted 40%. There may be times when cadets are given class time to work on a short assignment or quiz where grades may be given. Drill evaluations will be conducted throughout the year and grades are assigned based on individual effort and willingness to learn the movements.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Cadets will have multiple opportunities to perform Air Force JROTC sponsored community service during each semester.
CURRICULUM IN ACTION TRIPS (CIA)/FIELD TRIPS: Throughout the semester, the cadets will have opportunities to participate in school-sponsored activities that serve as an extension of the AFJROTC curriculum. These trips may include military base visits, museums, BMT graduation, etc. Cadets must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to participate.
CLASS BEHAVIOR: The nature of the AFJROTC mission, as well as its high visibility within the school and community, requires it members to adhere to higher standards than might be found among the student population. Inappropriate behavior, in or out of uniform, is prohibited while in participating in AFJROTC. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, consuming alcohol, drug abuse, tobacco use, horseplay, public displays of affection, fighting, disparaging remarks, insubordination, disrespect, verbal threats and physical attacks.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Electronic device policy is in accordance with Denton ISD district instructions. As a general rule, cell phones will not be used in AFJROTC. Only the instructor may allow a cadet to use their phone during classroom instructional time.
ACTIVITY FEE: All Cadets are required to pay a $30 activity fee annually. This fee will be due within the first 6 weeks of school and prior to receiving cadet uniforms.
1. Always use sir or ma’am.
2. Always be on time.
3. Bring required items to class.
4. Wear the correct uniform on the appropriate day.
5. Place bags under desk / on shelf.
6. Follow Directions…Do not talk out of turn.
7. Treat instructors and other cadets with respect.
8. Wear your uniform with pride.
9. Get involved with the corps.
10. Finally, Never Quit!!
Our standard duty hours are 0815 – 1630 hours. We are located in the ROTC building. We have an open-door policy, and you can come by and discuss anything you need to if we are available.