Assignment Calendar

7/8C Assignment Calendar (2022-23)

Weekly Updates

Please note that teacher plans are subject to change.

Students should know how to access important assignment/assessment information for each of their classes by using Canvas.

***7C Weekly Update (2022-23)

7C Weekly Update

***8C Weekly Update (2022-23)

8C Weekly Update

Academic Dishonesty

PLAGIARISM/CHEATING conduct such as the use or copying of academic work done by another individual and presenting it as the student’s own work without proper attribution is subject to disciplinary consequence. Any other form of academic dishonesty such as cheating is also subject to disciplinary consequence (i.e., detention).

In the first instance of cheating/plagiarism, the student will be given an opportunity to meet with the teacher at a mutually agreed upon time and offered another opportunity to show knowledge acquisition (can be in the form of a reteach) for credit.

For subsequent violations, the student will be referred to the office for additional disciplinary consequences.