8th Grade

Art History & World Cultures

  • Identify an artwork based on stylistic clues to place it into an appropriate art movement.

  • Compare the studied art movement to another specific movement in art history.

  • Examine the context of the art history movement, i.e. social, historical, cultural, etc.

  • Create an original artwork while referencing a specific art movement.

  • Further develop their knowledge of social and cross-cultural skills.

  • Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values.

  • Compare and contrast current ideas versus a historical period.

  • Apply methods to overcome creative blocks when associating personal ideas with that of world cultures.

2 Point Perspective

  • Create the illusion of depth by using background, middleground, and foreground with the focus on linear perspective.

  • Use the process of creating the illusion of depth through two-point linear perspective techniques to demonstrate learned knowledge.

  • Use vanishing points on the horizon line and implement converging/orthogonal lines to create the illusion of space and depth.

  • Apply prior one-point perspective techniques within the two-point artwork.

  • Create and original artwork that demonstrates an understanding of appropriate use of two-point perspective techniques.


  • Use accurate facial proportions to express self through either 2D or 3D art materials.

  • Identify and apply the art elements and principles used in other artists work to better communicate ideas and personal beliefs.

  • Use elements and principles to better communicate ideas with intended meaning.

  • Use symbolic and thematic images to express their ideas as a visual text.


  • Adobe Photoshop in a more advanced use.

  • Recognize, define, and use technology/digital arts vocabulary in context.

  • Create/manipulate original work making educated program choices.