6th Grade

Art History & World Cultures

Identify an artwork based on stylistic clue to place it into an appropriate art movement.

Create an original artwork with referencing a specific art movement.

Identify cultural influences as related to the history

Explore social and cross-cultural skills

Atmospheric Perspective

Create an illusion of depth by using background, middleground, and foreground with the focus on atmospheric perspective.

Know and access the appropriate terminology as related to the perspective unit.

Create and original artwork that demonstrates an understanding of the content


Use various symbolic images to express self through either 2D or 3D art materials

Know and access the appropriate terminology as related to the unit

Create and original artwork that demonstrates an understanding of the content


Beginning use of the program Adobe Photoshop.

Recognize, define, and use technology/digital arts vocabulary in context.

Create/manipulate original work making educated program choices. Using the program Adobe Photoshop.