Mrs Taylor

Just Google It!

Being able to search smartly and efficiently means we can locate information quickly. Let's take a closer look at this.

Welcome to NewsHounds.

A Smart Media programme that helps us understand how to critically consume, and produce, media.

Session 1

Media and Me


Listen to the podcast together and work through the examples in the Workbook with your partner.


Choose one of the media choices from slides 6-10 to focus on understanding the positives or negatives of that media today and in the past.

Create a screencastify or poster that talks about the positive and negatives of that media today vs in the past.


Create a visual representation (picture) of the different types of media you have consumed (seen) in the last 24 hours.

Top tip: Use the explore tool to show free to use images. Type png to get images without backgrounds e.g. radio png

Tohatoha/Share: Embed your chosen create task on your blog with your chosen session badge.