Digital Citizenship

Term 1

Beginning of the year - learning about your chromebook, how to take care of your chromebook, how to use your Drive/Gmail/Site, the touchpad, finding and using images online, passwords, and our Kawa of Care

Abstract Art Backgrounds for Profile Avatar

Mr Carrick's Group

My Favourites (Inserting Images)

Term 2

Blogging: Connecting with an Audience

Digital Affordances

Have you ever read these tips before writing a comment?

Writing quality blog comments
Commenting on Blog Posts

Learn how to make eye-catching blog posts. Lots of ideas and tips to make your blog awesome!

<<<<<<<Click the image to the left

Term 4

What to do if something goes wrong

We are learning to be SMART if something happens online that we don’t like.

Ruby the dog had someone who was unkind to her online. She didn’t know what to do about it, so we are going to learn how to be SMART online to help her.

Create an Infographic that tells others how to be SMART online. Share your info graphic on your blog.

Lesson 7 Beginner - Smart Relationships - What to do if something goes wrong