Team-Based Inquiry Learning

"I feel like I naturally gained knowledge in the topic, but the structure of the course made it a lot easier to feel the gains and gain from others as well." - TBIL Student survey response

Transforming Lower Division Undergraduate Mathematics Through Team-Based Inquiry Learning 

Team-Based Learning is an active learning pedagogy used successfully in many disciplines such as the health sciences, but not yet common in mathematics. Typically implemented as flipped learning, TBL students first encounter new material individually outside of class, and then work in teams to extend knowledge and solve problems in class.

To adapt this model for mathematics, our team has developed Team-Based Inquiry Learning (TBIL), an implementation of team-based learning as inquiry learning, with a particular focus on facilitating the implementation of inquiry learning in lower division service courses such as Calculus I, Calculus II, and Linear Algebra. Our preliminary research at the University of South Alabama showed that compared to lectures, TBIL improves students’ mastery of content and increases their flexibility in solving problems.

With the support of the NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) program, this project aims to:

A diverse group of faculty teaching at institutions serving diverse student populations will be recruited to attend week-long summer institutes focused on faculty development and the collaborative creation of TBIL materials for each of the target courses. We will support these faculty in implementing TBIL and evaluating impacts on student learning at their home institutions through regular virtual meetings.