Swallowing Disorders Initiative (SDI) Lab
Wallace, E. S., Bhutada, A., & Garand, K. L. (2022) Comment on Qian et al. 2022, effects of comprehensive swallowing intervention on obstructive sleep apnea and dysphagia after stroke: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease.
Bhutada, A. M., Davis, T. M., & Garand, K. L. (2022). Electrophysiological measures of swallowing functions: A systematic review. Dysphagia. [PDF]
Donohue, C., Carnaby, G., & Garand, K. L. (2022). How to interpret and evaluate a meta-analysis in the field of speech-language pathology: A tutorial for clinicians. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1–14. [PDF]
Ziegler, J. P., Davidson, K., Cooper, R. L., Garand, K. L., Nguyen, S. A., Yuen, E., Martin-Harris, B., & O’Rourke, A. K. (2021). Characterization of dysphagia following anterior cervical spine surgery. Advances in Communication and Swallowing, 24(1), 55–62. [PDF]
Garand, K. L., Reilly, M. C., Choi, D., Dey, R., Estis, J., & Hill, G. (2021). Factors influencing oral bolus hold type: Tipper or dipper. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1044/2021_persp-21-00138 [PDF]
Garand, K. L., Suiter, D. M., Reyes, S., York, J. D., & Chen, I.-H. A. (2021). Aspiration screening in motor neuron disease: Preliminary results from utilization of the yale swallow protocol. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1–7. [PDF]
Donohue, C., Carnaby, G., & Garand, K. L. (2021). Critically appraising systematic reviews in the field of Speech-language Pathology: A how-to guide FOR clinician readers. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1044/2021_ajslp-21-00004 [PDF]
Donohue C,*Carnaby G, Colquhoun RJ, Lacomis D, Garand KL. Letter to the editor regarding “Effects of exercise in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Accepted for publication in Am J Phys Med Rehabil. [Corresponding author] [PDF]
Bhutada A,* Dey R, Martin-Harris B, Garand (Focht) KL. Factors influencing initiation of pharyngeal swallow in healthy adults. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020; 29: 1956-64. [PMID: 32762542] [Corresponding author] [PDF]
Bhutada A, Dey R, Martin-Harris B, Garand (Focht) KL. Investigation of influential factors in the initiation of the pharyngeal swallow in healthy adults. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. E-pub ahead of print [PDF]
Miles A, Connor N, Desai RV, Jadcherla S, Allen J, Brodsky M, Garand (Focht) KL, Malandraki G, McCulloch T, Murray J, Riquelme L, Pulia M, Moss M, Langmore S. Dysphagia care across the continuum: A multidisciplinary Dysphagia Research Society taskforce report of service-delivery during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Dysphagia. 2020; E-pub ahead of print. [PMID: 32654059] [PMCID: PMC7353832] [Invited] [PDF]
Garand (Focht) KL, McCullough G, Crary M, Arvedson JC, Dodrill P. Assessment across the lifespan: the clinical swallow evaluation. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020; 29: 919-33. [PMID: 32650662] [Invited] [PDF ]
Beall J, Hill EG, Armeson K, Garand (Focht) KL, Davidson (Humphries) K, Martin-Harris B. Classification of physiologic swallowing impairment severity: A latent class analysis of Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile scores. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020; 29: 1001-11. [PMID: 32650665] [Invited] [PDF]
Tadavarthi Y, Hosseini P, Garand (Focht) KL, Pisegna JM, Reyes SE, Pearson WP. Pilot study of quantitative methods for differentiating pharyngeal swallowing mechanics by dysphagia eiotlogy. Dysphagia. 2020; E-pub ahead online. [PMID: 32410203] [PDF]
Bhutada A, Broughton W, Garand (Focht) KL. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and swallowing function: a systematic review. Sleep Breath. 2020; E-pub ahead online. [PMID: 32062752] [PDF]
Garand (Focht) KL, Thomas T, Dey R. Factors influencing presence or absence of laterality during pharyngeal bolus clearance. Persp ASHA Spec Interest Groups. 2020; 5: 511-4. [PDF]
Garand (Focht) KL, Culp LS, Wang B, Davidson (Humphries) K, Martin-Harris B. Aging effects on esophageal transit time in the upright position during videofluoroscopy. Ann Otol Rhino Laryngol. 2020; 129(6): 618-24. [PMID: 31997657] [PDF]
Milford EM,* Wang B, Smith K, Choi D, Martin-Harris B, Garand (Focht) KL. Aging and sex effects on mastication performance in healthy, non-dysphagic community-dwelling adults. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020; 29(2): 705-13. [PMID: 32163297] [PDF]
Garand (Focht) KL, Hill EG, Armeson K, Martin-Harris B. Aging effects on Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) total scores in healthy, community-dwelling adults. Canadian J Speech Lang Pathol Audiol. 2020; 44(1): 1-8. [PDF]
Shehee L, O’Rourke A, Garand KL. The role of radiation therapy and botulinum toxin injections in the management of sialorrhea in patients with ALS: A systematic review. J Clin Neuromusc Dis. 2020; 21: 205-21. [PMID: 32453096] [PDF]
Garand (Focht) KL, Hill EG, Krug E, Armeson K, Brown A, Martin-Harris B. Bolus airway invasion observed during videofluoroscopy in healthy, non-dysphagic community-dwelling adults. Ann Otol Rhino Laryngol. 2019; 128(5): 426-32. [PMID: 30700098] [PDF]
Pattee G, Plowman E, Garand K, Brooks B, Costello J, Berry J, Smith R, Atassi N, Chapin J, Yunusova Y, McIlduff C, Young E, Macklin E, Locatelli E, Silani V, Daragh H, Wymer J, Goutman S, Gelinas D, Perry B, Nalipinski P, Stipancic K, O’Brien M, Sullivan S, Green J, and contributing members of the NEALS Bulbar Subcommittee. Best practices provisional guidelines for the evaluation of bulbar dysfunction in ALS. Muscle Nerve. 2019; 59: 131-6. [PMID: 30620104] [PDF]
Garand (Focht) KL, Martin-Harris B,Strange C, Paoletti L, Hopkins-Rossabi T. Oropharyngeal swallow physiology and swallowing-related quality of life in patients with concomitant advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and low body mass index. Int J COPD. 2018; 13: 2663-71. [PMID: 30214184] [PMCID: PMC6122895]. [PDF]
Garand (Focht) KL, Armeson K, Hill EG, Martin-Harris B. Identification of phenotypic patterns of dysphagia: a proof of concept study. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2018; 27: 988-995. [PMID: 29800022] *Selected for ASHA journal self-study] [PDF]
Bonilha HS, Desjardins M, Garand KL, Martin-Harris B. Parameters and scales used to assess and report findings from stroboscopy: a systematic review. J Voice. 2018; 32(6): 734-55. [PMID: 29103609] [E-pub ahead of print] [PDF]
Pattee G, Plowman E, Brooks B, Berry J, Atassi N, Chapin J, Garand K, Yunusova Y, McIlduff C, Young E, Costello J, Macklin E, Locatelli E, Silani V, Daragh H, Wymer J, Goutman S, Gelinas D, Smith R, Perry B, Nalipinski P, Stipancic K, O’Brien M, Sullivan S, Green J. Best practices protocol for the evaluation of bulbar dysfunction: summary recommendations from the NEALS bulbar subcommittee symposium. Amytroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 2018; 19: 311-2. [PMID: 29205054] [PDF]
Garand KL, Schwertner R, Chen A, Pearson WG. Computational analysis of pharyngeal swallowing mechanics in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a pilot investigation. Dysphagia. 2018; 33(2): 243-50. [PMID: 29052789] [PDF]
Martin-Harris B, Humphries K, Garand KL. The Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP©™) – innovation, dissemination and implementation. Persp Swallowing Swallowing Dis. 2017; 2(Part 4): 129-38. [Invited] [PDF]
Malek AM, Luque JS, Garand (Focht) KL. Overview of clinical research study designs using examples from the swallowing literature. Persp Swallowing Swallowing Dis. 2017; 2(Part 4): 112-21. [Invited] [PDF]
Martin-Harris B, Garand KL, McFarland D. Optimizing respiratory-swallow coordination in patients with oropharyngeal head and neck cancer. Persp Swallowing Swallowing Dis. 2017; 2(Part 3): 103-10. [Invited] [PMCID: PMC5583634] [PDF]