Our Officers

President - Emily Armour

Hello! My name is Emily Armour and I am the President of the Psychology club and Psi Chi Honors Society here at South. I am a junior here and a Psychology major with a minor in health and wellness. My goal is to get a Doctorate in Occupational Therapy and work with trauma survivors or children with disabilities. As your President, I organize, plan, and lead club meetings. I also plan and execute new and exciting activities and events for the club and the community. Psychology has always been a passion of mine and I am grateful we have this amazing opportunity to come together, meet new people, and share our love for Psychology. I can’t wait to see the places this club goes and, as always, go Jags!

Contact Me: Epa2021@jagmail.southalabama.edu

Vice President - Madeleine Evans

Hey Jags! My name is Madeleine Evans and I am so thrilled to be Psychology Club and Psi Chi Vice President for the upcoming school year. I will be responsible for overseeing basic club functions and assisting our President with her duties. I am an aspiring Elementary School Counselor majoring in psychology with a gender studies minor. I can not wait to meet all of you and kickstart a fantastic year!

Contact Me:  mee2122@jagmail.southalabama.edu

Secretary - Virginia Pryor

Hi! My name is Virginia Pryor and I am the current Secretary for the Psi Chi and Psychology club. I am a Senior majoring in Psychology and minoring in Criminal Justice. This year my role as secretary is to continue keeping up with the minutes, taking care of attendance, and maintaining communication throughout the club. I am so excited for the year we have all planned for you and we hope that you enjoy it with us!

Contact Me: Vpp1921@jagmail.southalabama.edu

Treasurer - Heather Lawley

Hello! My name is Heather Lawley and I’m your new treasurer! I am a junior majoring in Psychology with a minor in health and wellness. My role in the club is to monitor and regulate our spending so that we can afford to do the most fun things this year! I am so excited for all the events and meetings we have set up for you guys! Go jags! 

Contact Me: Hl2024@jagmail.southalabama.edu

Historian - Alana Pamnee

Hi everyone! My name is Alana Panmee, and I’m the current historian for Psi Chi & Psychology club. I am a junior majoring in psychology with a minor in speech and hearing sciences. My role in this club is to document our activities and keep everyone up to date on club events through social media. I can’t wait to meet everyone in the fall and make amazing memories with this club!

Contact Me: arp2026@jagmail.southalabama.edu