For your convenience, each image below is linked to a worksheet (see details) designed to facilitate course design work.

Framing Your Work

The foundation of your course (re)design consists of your big dream for your students. How will your course change them? What will differentiate students who have taken your course from those who haven't? What are your hopes for how they will apply the big ideas from your course in their personal or professional lives?

Let your imagination range beyond standard course learning objectives—what inspires you about your discipline? How do its practitioners contribute to the world? What skills and dispositions do you most value from the focus of this course? You'll want to revisit your big dream frequently in the design process—are you on track for creating opportunities for your students to achieve your big dream?

Describe your big dream for your students.
Step 1: Identify situational factors.
Step 2: Set significant goals.
Step 3: Design authentic assessment.

Transparent Design template and peer review form.

Step 4: Design teaching and learning activities.
Step 5: Integrate and sequence all activities.

Word version of Course Design Tools infographic.