Teh Dog Arrvs

Having traveled the galaxy looking for a home, Escapement Dog arrives on earth.

In 2016, decades after my early efforts at music, I decided to try to be a musician and composer again. It’s pretty easy to deny your creative self with the day to day drudgery of life to occupy your time. I kept denying myself, saying I have to achieve this thing or that thing first then I can make music. Truth be told, I was trapped by my own fear looking for an excuse to not try at all.

Music is easy to start and hard to master. All that amazing music you hear hides the thousands of hours a musician spent leading up to that solitary track streaming on your phone. I was afraid of the costs and the fear that I would fail after all that work. The crucial realization I had is it is only effort that keeps you from moving forward and succeeding. But it’s only effort, not some permanent barrier you can never surpass. You can learn music theory, you can learn to play an instrument, you can learn to create music.

“Teh Dog Arrvs” is the second song I started writing in 2016. I’m trying to recreate a sound I hear in my head, a kind of organic / mechanical sound that evolves like a living thing. It’s my style, something I’m calling “Clank”. It’s taken almost two years to finish the song and I’ve learned a lot, and I still have a lot more to learn.


Devil Dog: Hound From Hell (Wikipedia)

Living With A Dog (1977), Pedigree Petfoods Education Centre (YouTube)

Music Software And Instruments

Panagement — Auburn Sounds

Bitwig Studio — Bitwig GmbH

Reaper — Cockos Incorporated

Ultratap — Eventide

CLMS — Hornnet

Insight, Ozone 8, Neutron 8, Trash 2, BreakTweaker — iZotope

Variax Standard, POD HD X — Line 6

Reaktor 6 — Native Instruments

Equivocate, Elevate — Newfandled Audio

ChipCrusher, ChipSpeech — Plogue Art et Technologie, Inc

Manipulator — Polyverse/Infected Mushroom

PSP cmDelay — PSP Audioware

WarmVerb Multi-FX — Tone 2

Bazille — U-He

Lagrange — Ursa DSP

IM Pusher — Waves

Addictive Drums — XLN Audio