Final Exam

Topic 1: Life

  1. Identify the three variables in an experiment given an actual research abstract (see class notes page 19).
  2. Identify the conditions required for Evolution by Natural Selection (see class notes page 21).
  3. Explain how the conditions above lead to biological evolution. (see class notes page 21 and the Sickle Cell/Malaria example here).

Topic 2: Energy

  1. Explain the role Insulin plays in Cellular Respiration (see class notes page 17)
  2. Explain why Type I Diabetes can result in Ketoacidos (see class notes page 17).
  3. Draw the complete Cellular Respiration Diagram (see class notes page 18).

Topic 3: Growth

  1. Identify and discuss the role of Cell Cycle Checkpoints in preventing cancer (see class notes page 13).
  2. Given a description of a protein in the Mitotic Cell cycle, explain how mutations can lead to cancer (see class notes page 13).
  3. Diagram the Mitotic Cell Cycle from G1 to Cytokinesis (see class notes page 14).

Topic 4: Genetics

  1. Solve a genetics case for disease probability using a Punnet Square (see class notes pages 8 & 9).
  2. Given a Karyotype identify an individual as either male or female and provide the proper notation (see class notes page 10).
  3. Diagram the Meiotic Cell cycle from G1 to Cytokinesis and explain how its purpose differs from Mitosis (see class notes page 11).

Topic 6: cardiology

  1. Explain how to measure blood pressure manually (see class notes page 1).
  2. Explain what blood pressure values mean and the negative effects of high blood pressure on the body (see class notes page 2).
  3. Label a diagram of the heart that includes blood flow direction and all anatomy (see class notes pages 4 & 5).