SOMSD Intentional Integration Initiative (III)

Spearheaded by the office of the Superintendent, the SOMSD Intentional Integration Initiative (SOMSD III) focuses on equity and access, including developing an integration plan that ensures that the student populations in each of our schools are reflective of our district’s diversity, and on fostering innovation in our elementary schools.  The final goal of this initiative is to ensure that all of our schools are welcoming and engaging learning environments, with a strong foundation in cultural competency and equity, so that each and every student is challenged, inspired and supported to develop their potential as learners and citizens. We look forward to continued engagement with you around this work, and around our shared values of equity, excellence, and opportunity for all students in SOMSD.

About the SOMSD III

In the 2018-2019 school year, the Board voted for the design of each elementary school to eventually take on a K-5 design. This was very important as it gave direction to our architects as they began the work of bringing our Long Range Facilities Plan to fruition. The District’s Intentional Integration Plan was Board approved in June 2020 and addressed the usage of an algorithm to be applied to the Kindergarteners who will be joining our District in September of 2021, with a plan to monitor this pilot and adjust if necessary (as future classes enter our District). 

May 2024 Update:  SOMSD III Yr. 3 Review Considerations:   To view presentation click the link.  

February 2023 Update:  SOMSD III Yr. 2 Review & Yr. 3 Considerations:   To view presentation click the link.  

March 2022 Update:  BOE Approves SOMSD III Yr. 1 Review & Yr. 2 Considerations:  SOMSD Administration to move forward with the year 2 of the Intentional Integration Initiative inclusive of rising kindergarteners and 6th graders for the Fall of 2022.   To view presentation click the link.