Gifted and Talented


Mrs.  Tammy Perkins, 

Gifted and Talented Coordinator/Instructor

Welcome to the SISD Gifted and Talented Program webpage! At Somerset Independent Schools, the general education teachers and visual/performing arts teachers consult with the GT Coordinator/Instructor to challenge students in their areas of giftedness. We work together to provide opportunities for gifted students and students with potential for giftedness to think critically and creatively, to problem solve, and to be intellectual risk-takers. We strive to foster academic, intellectual, social, emotional, and creative growth.  

Areas of Identification for Gifted and Talented students are Creativity, General Intellectual Ability, Leadership, Specific Academic Aptitude (Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies), and Visual/Performing Arts (Music, Art, Dance and Drama).  Information regarding specific requirements for each area can be found on the "Gifted Areas of Identification" page.

Formal GT testing is conducted during the Spring semester of 3rd grade and completed during the Fall semester of 4th grade.   After 4th grade students are identified through:

  • Test Scores
  • Teacher Checklist of Skills
  • Teacher Recommendations
  • Parent Recommendations (Please contact the GT office to discuss referring your child, as individual gifted areas require different forms of documentation.)
  • Work Samples
  • Observation Forms
  • Anecdotal Records
  • Portfolios
  • Auditions

Several service options are available to meet the unique needs of our gifted learners, however, not all service options are appropriate for all gifted students. While all gifted students are serviced through consultation and differentiation, parents, administrators, teachers, and students are consulted when other service options are available and/or appropriate.  Available service options include, but are not limited to:

While we challenge gifted learners in their areas of strengths, we also provide support for any academic or social-emotional deficiencies. Differentiation of instruction occurs daily in the general education classrooms to meet the varied needs of students. Progress reports are sent once each semester on mid-term and end-of-year grade cards

Please direct any questions or concerns to:  Tammy Perkins at or the GT office located in Room 300 at  Somerset High School.

Elementary GT students hard at work!

Middle School GT students completing Genius Hour Projects!


Looking for ways to help your community through volunteer/service opportunities?  Click the link to check out local organizations looking for volunteers.

The following regulation details the Gifted and Talented programs in Kentucky:  


Bright Child vs Gifted Child

A Bright Child....                                   A Gifted Child.......

Knows the answer                             Asks the questions, sometimes deep probing/abstract

Is interested                                         Is highly curious

Is attentive                                            Is mentally and physically involved       

Has good ideas                                   Has wild and sometimes silly ideas

Works hard                                           Plays around, yet tests well

Answers the questions                     Discusses in detail, elaborates

Top group                                            Beyond the group

Listens with interest                          Shows strong feelings and opinions

Learns with ease                                Already knows

6-8 repetitions for mastery                1-2 repetitions for mastery

Understands ideas                             Constructs abstractions

Enjoys peers                                        Prefers adults/older children, seeks out very bright peers

Grasps the meaning                          Draws inferences and opens up new questions

Completes assignments                  Initiates projects

Is receptive                                           Is intense

Copies accurately                               Creates a new design

Enjoys school                                      Enjoys learning but may not like school

Absorbs information                          Manipulates information

Technician                                           Inventor - loves construction toys

Good memorizer                                Good guesser-draws on vast information store

Is alert                                                   Is keenly observant - seems to remember fine details

Is pleased with own learning           Is highly self-critical-can be a perfectionist at times



PTP Brochure

Center for Gifted Studies

Kentucky Association for Gifted Education

KDE Links of Interest