Career & Course Clusters


Somers High School 

Career Pathways


Program Overview 

Somers High School's Career Pathways Program is designed to offer students a diverse range of specialized courses, core graduation requirements, and elective options, allowing them to tailor their high school experience to their individual interests and postsecondary goals. The program emphasizes holistic student development beyond traditional academics, providing comprehensive advice from dedicated school counselors. This early engagement helps students align their choices with their interests and long-term goals, ensuring not only preparation for graduation but also empowering them to pursue a fulfilling educational journey aligned with their unique aspirations. The program's thoughtful design reflects a commitment to the success and holistic development of each student, fostering a community of learners ready for future challenges and opportunities.

What Are Career Clusters? 

Career Clusters serve as a vital framework for comprehending and navigating the varied professions in the workforce. These organized groups of related work types simplify the job market's complexity, offering effective exploration and guidance for potential career paths. Each cluster includes defined pathways with curated courses and club options, preparing individuals for careers within specific fields.

Within these pathways, Somers High School provides a range of Career Clusters, such as Business and Finance, Health Sciences, Education and Human Services, STEM, Manufacturing, Architecture and Construction, Government and Administration, and The Arts, AV, Technology & Communication. 

Career Connections

Somers High School's Counseling and Career Center offers focused Career Exploration Programs. These include assessments, job shadowing, field trips, and speaker forums, integrating classroom learning with real-world experiences. The programs, supported by a community network, provide insights. The school connects learning with aspirations through business panels, fairs, internships, workshops and resume building by offering real-world experiences. 

Student Planning 

At Somers High School, students actively shape their educational journey with direction from their School Counselor, Career Specialist, and other available resources. This personalized approach involves creating an individualized plan aligned with a specific Career Cluster for thorough career preparation. The dynamic process of developing Course Selection Plans allows students to adjust their plans annually based on evolving interests and goals.

Through ongoing collaboration and career exploration, the school helps to shape students' plans to reflect their passions and align with long-term goals. The Counseling & Career Center provides valuable resources for exploring potential career paths and making informed decisions about academic pursuits. This comprehensive and collaborative educational planning approach emphasizes academic rigor while aligning coursework with individual interests and future career goals, empowering students for success in their chosen career.

Appointments can be made with our Career Specialist, Ms. Meg Duffy, by email (  In addition, students may seek input on career opportunities and course selection with our Content Team Leaders. Information can be found below. 

Career Pathway Q & As: 

Q: What is the main focus of Somers High School's Career Pathways Program?

A: The program aims to offer students a diverse range of specialized courses, core graduation requirements, and elective options, tailored to individual interests and postsecondary goals.

Q: What role do Career Clusters play in Somers High School's Career Pathways Program?

A: Career Clusters provide a framework for understanding and navigating various professions, offering organized groups of related work types with curated courses and club options.

Q: What Career Clusters are offered at Somers High School?

A: The school provides diverse Career Clusters including Business and Finance, Health Sciences, Education and Human Services, STEM, Manufacturing, Architecture and Construction, Government and Administration, and The Arts, AV, Technology & Communication

Q: How does Somers High School connect classroom learning with real-world experiences in the Career Pathways Program?

A: The school offers Career Exploration Programs, including assessments, job shadowing, field trips, speaker forums, business panels, fairs, internships, and workshops, integrating classroom learning with real-world experiences.

Q: What resources are available for students to explore potential career paths at Somers High School?

A: The Counseling & Career Center provides valuable resources for exploring potential career paths, making informed decisions about academic pursuits, and aligning coursework with individual interests and future career goals.

Q: How can students make appointments with the Career Specialist at Somers High School?

A: Appointments with the Career Specialist, Mrs. Meg Duffy, can be made by email at

Q: Who can students contact for career-related inquiries in the Tech-Education department at Somers High School?

A: Students can reach out to the Tech-Education Team Leader, Nicholas Koslosksi, by email at

SHS Career Pathways (master)

Mr. Andrew Drummey, 

Humanities Team Leader

Mrs. Jenna Fortini, 

Math Team Leader 

Mrs. Sharon Yarrows,

Special Education Team Leader 

Mrs. Lisa Grenier

Counseling Team Leader 

Mrs. Mindy Lajeunesse

ELA Team Leader

Mr. Nicholas Kosloski


Team Leader 

Mrs. Erin Maynard, 

Science Team Leader 

Mrs. Ines Dunn

World Language Team Leader