
The Capstone Seminar Program at Somers High School serves as the pinnacle of the students' academic journey, embodying the "north star" guiding their educational trajectory. A graduation requirement, this transformative experience is designed to be completed in either the junior or senior year, marking the culmination of a four-year academic endeavor at SHS.

The program focuses on the mastery of essential skills across four key domains:

To demonstrate their acquired skills and knowledge, students are required to undertake three key components:

The Capstone Seminar Program stands as a testament to the school's commitment to holistic education, preparing students not only academically but also professionally for the challenges that lie beyond the walls of Somers High School.

Capstone Course Important Documents

Mrs. Tenley Stoltz


Capstone Advisor

Mr. Chris Mangini

Spanish Teacher, 

Capstone Advisor 

Mrs. Erin Maynard

Science Teacher, 

Capstone Advsor