The Primrose Creek, the main artery of a 2.7 square mile Primrose Watershed, runs through Solebury's campus and provides critical habitat to several endangered and "at risk" flora and fauna. SEAC, in coordination with the maintenance department and the Primrose Creek Watershed Organization are expanding the riparian buffer zone! 


During the 2023 Arts Fest, SEAC students raised $145 dollars through an "adopt a plant"  fundraiser where students, faculty,  and parents could choose a native plant that would be planted along the riparian buffer! See the native plants that were chosen here!

A riparian buffer is a vegetated strip alongside a stream that helps shelter the stream from nearby land usage and negative human impacts. 

Riparian buffers:

Through removing invasive species, extending the mow line, and planting native plants, SEAC is working on expanding the riparian buffer so we reduce our impact on the Primrose Creek. 

A diagram of an effective riparian buffer from from the USDA Forest Service