About Us

What our lab does

Our laboratory belongs to the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Seoul National University, and we are conducting research on nuclear materials and related physical and chemical processes.

Our research methods

Our group primarily conducts computer simulations and theoretical studies. The following are typical methods we use in our research.

The difference between our methods and conventional simulation methods in nuclear engineering is that we directly simulate the behavior of atoms (i.e., atomistic simulation). In contrast, most conventional methods deal with continua, such as fluids and structures, and focus on macroscopic quantities, such as temperature and concentration.

Materials we study

One of the unique features of our laboratory is that we study both fusion and fission materials.

The materials we have recently studied or are currently studying that are relevant to nuclear fusion energy include

The materials we have recently studied or are currently studying that are relevant to nuclear fission energy include

Contributions to nuclear engineering and materials science

Individual research in our group often aims at 

The results of such research cannot directly solve the problems of nuclear engineering, which is an enormously complex technology. Still, they are indispensable to ensuring the safety of nuclear energy systems by advancing and refining macroscopic models scientifically. They are also essential for efficiently developing new materials and better predicting and interpreting the behavior of materials in an accident. 

Students who are likely to fit in our lab