January 29th-30th, 2024 

 Pisa à la carte 

 random trees & planar maps 


 The theory of random planar maps (cartes planaires) is a flourishing field sitting at the intersection between probability and combinatorics, with a variety of connections to computer science, physics, statistical mechanics, random matrices, algebraic combinatorics, and more. This workshop will explore multiple facets of the field, with talks by renowned experts giving a broad view of different approaches to the topic, as well as more specialised talks about exciting new developments.




Louigi Addario-Berry

McGill University

Marie Albenque


Eleanor Archer

Université Paris Nanterre

Thomas Budzinski

ENS Lyon

Guillaume Chapuy


Nicolas Curien

Université Paris-Saclay

Christina Goldschmidt

University of Oxford

Jean-François Le Gall

Université Paris-Saclay

Robin Stephenson

University of Sheffield



Scuola Normale Superiore,
Aula Dini,
Palazzo del Castelletto,
P.le Luciano Lischi, 11,
56126 Pisa PI

 Organisers: Alessandra Caraceni; for more information, e-mail alessandra.caraceni@sns.it

Supported by the ERC Consolidator Grant SuperGrandMa 101087572