Grade 11

Art Studio 11

This course builds upon skills developed in Art Studio 10 and encourages the emergence of the student’s own artistic voice while increasing the expectations of technical proficiency, understanding of materials and self-directed confidence. The course explores the interconnection of the visual arts to history, the individual and to society through an examination of a range of art-related issues. Assessment is ongoing and based on both application (studio assignments) and process (sketchbook work).

Studio Arts 3D 11*

This is a linear course offered outside the timetable. It shares a selection of fundamental 3D manipulation and construction techniques. It reflects on the interaction between an object of art, its surroundings and its audience, focusing on the creative process as the model for approaching design challenges and solutions. Assessment is ongoing and based on both application (studio assignments) and process (sketchbook work). This is an excellent option for those who intend to take AP 3D Art and Design.
*This is an out-of-timetable evening class that runs once a week for 2.5 hours over the full year. 

Digital Art and Motion Graphics 11 

(Media Arts 11)

This course is entirely computer-based and caters to students new to the media as well as those with significant previous experience. It applies the essential elements of art and principles of design to industry standard graphic applications and expands visual communication skills for the growing digital world. Assignments bolster student portfolios and resumés with a practical knowledge of the technical tools used in creative professions, including Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects. Projects include photo manipulation, image montage, digital painting, vector art, animation and special-effect movies. Assessment is ongoing and based on practice work, studio assignments and the design process.

Thinking about AP Art in Grade 11? 

It could possibly been done, but you need to check with the Head of Department..