Grade 10

Art Studio 10

This course provides an important foundation in drawing, painting, printmaking, graphic design and 3D approaches to making art. We stress process, skills, analysis and understanding of art-related topics. The learning is experiential, hands-on, and engages with multiple projects. We consider a range of historical and contemporary artwork and discuss these in regard to their social and cultural significance. Studio practice leads to formal assignments where students can transfer and synthesize their skills and understanding into their own creative expression. Assessment is ongoing and based on both application (studio assignments) and process (sketchbook work).


Painting 10

(Studio Arts 2D 10)

Designed for students with a strong interest in visual art, Painting 10 provides an in depth exploration of painting techniques and practices. Building on foundational skills, the course covers both traditional and contemporary approaches, with a focus on craftsmanship, observation, composition, and technical understanding. The majority of class time is hands-on, allowing students to learn through practical experience. By the end of the course, students will have developed a rich portfolio of completed works. The course builds on work in Grade 9 art classes, however, students can join without prior experience. Assessment is ongoing and based on both application (studio assignments) and process (sketchbook work).

Studio Arts 3D 10

This course focuses on working in three-dimensional space, modeling concepts, and creating 3D work. Students will design and construct realistic and abstract sculptural forms using a variety of materials, tools, and techniques. Assessment is ongoing and based on both application (studio assignments) and process (sketchbook).

Digital Art 10

(Media Arts 10)

This course builds upon the foundational skills, delving deeper into techniques and concepts within digital media. Still anchored in the Adobe Suite, students delve deeper into the use of software like PhotoShop, as well as techniques in animation or 3D modeling.