
Students, teachers, and Library Club came together to rearrange and reorganize our school library. We also added some colorful touches with upcycle projects... great TEAMWORK!

Thanks to federal funding grants, we have upgraded our school library database to the newest version of Follett Destiny

Students can access our circulation, place holds, and search for books by their individual Accelerated Reader levels all through their 1:1 devices or from Chromebooks within the school library. 

Students have started a Library Club!!!  What a big help they are in keeping our school library organized and decorated.

How to use Follett Destiny

I had the pleasure of meeting Newbery Award winning author, Karen Cushman in a writers' Zoom during the summer of 2020. Here she holds up her Newbery Award for us to see. What a delightful and interesting person who generously gave of her time to meet with us from the West coast of Oregon.