
Canvas Information

General Information for both parents and students can be found on the SMSD Hompage. Canvas has it's own button at the top of the page.

How do I log in to Canvas as a student (SMSD Site).pdf

Student Log In

How do I log in to Canvas as a student (SMSD Site).pdf

Student Navigation

How do I generate a Pair Code for an Observer (SMSD Site).pdf

Student Observer Code

You will need to generate this code for your parent/guardian.


Parent App


Parent Log In

Canvas Password

Your Canvas password can NOT be reset from the Canvas page.

File Upload Assignment.webm

Submitting an Assignment

Directions & Video provided by Mrs. Carnahan

1. Click "Submit Assignment"

2. Click "Google Drive LTI (1.3)" --- Depending on what students are submitting, they may just stay on the “File Upload” tab

3. Click "Select file"

4. Find and click the Google file (will be in your Recent)

5. Click Add, Click Attach

6. Optional: Add comments for the teacher

7. Click "Submit assignment"