Welcome to Strings!

Beginning Strings - Timeline Below





The smallest of the string instruments and the “soprano” or highest voice of the string orchestra. Violinists often get the melody in a piece of music and typically make up the majority of a string orchestra. Violin players read their notes in treble clef. 


Slightly larger than the violin and the “alto” voice of the string orchestra. It has a slightly lower, more mellow tone, and reads the alto clef. In beginning strings classes, the violin and viola will sound almost the same. As the viola student advances into the upper grades, their part is often harmony.


Larger than the violin and viola and has the “tenor voice” of the string orchestra. Cello players sit down to play and support the instrument between their knees. The cello has a deep, rich sound and reads notes in the bass clef. Though the cello is a bit bigger than the other string instruments, their cases usually have backpack straps or wheels facilitate easier transport. 

Double Bass is available as an option in middle school or sometimes in 6th Grade. If you already play bass, please let Ms. Smith know directly!