We STICK together

I can be reached through email at madamowski@smsch.org. If you have an urgent matter that needs to be discussed rather than emailed, please email me, ask me to call, and leave your phone number. Any emergency notifications, such as early dismissals or a change in the normal pick-up routine should be conveyed by calling the school office.

Please see below for BASIC class information.


Students are to use the car drop off line and enter the white building through the doors facing the parking lot. Please report to the classroom between 7:45 AM and 8:05 AM. Students may not exit their cars until 7:45 AM. Students are marked late after 8:05 AM when the morning prayer begins.


Students will exit the white building through the basement room door (left side of the white building). Please park in the parking lot, get out of your car, and hold up a sign with your child's name. When we see you, we will send your child over to you. Please keep in mind that the students must remain in line with their class until the teacher-parent connection is made.

What Your Child Needs to Pack Each Day:

1. Water bottle - A reusable water bottle is preferred. Please have them fill it with ONLY water. Label with your child's name.

2. Snack - Small, mess free "working snack"

3. Lunch – Please be sure to pack a lunch for your child. We will not be able to share this year due to COVID restrictions. If a student forgets his/her lunch, a parent will be called to bring one. Outside lunches from restaurants MAY NOT be brought in by parents. Lunches and snacks that contain peanuts are permitted. Lunch is from 11:20 - 12:00 Lunch Helpers will start a few weeks into the school year.

4. Agenda and Homework – Students are responsible for copying homework in each class. Teacher websites should be updated daily. Planners will arrive within the month. Until that point, students will write down assignments in their GROW binders.