Summer Theater Camp

There will be NO Theater Summer Camp for 2020 and Summer of 2021 due to Covid-19.

In Theater Camps first two years, we had 60 campers attend our Theater Camp.


Campers will learn about all aspects of theater, including: improvisation (improv), technical support, costumes, stage make-up, and choreography. The morning session will focus on these five aspects. In the afternoon, students will have an opportunity to put together a short skit to perform for parents on Friday afternoon.

Improvisation is “the art or act of improvising, or of composing, uttering, executing, or arranging anything without previous preparation.” Students will learn that in theater actors rarely play themselves. They will need to become a different person. A person who will not be judged and can be as silly as they want to be.

Technical Support: Actors are not the only people needed to put on a show. There are a lot of other people who work behind the scenes to put a show together. Students will learn about all of these crews while getting a tour of the ES stage and learning how to run the lights on the stage. Students will become stage crew members and build wooden tool boxes / wooden bird feeders (kits from Home Depot). After they are finished building them, they will have the opportunity to paint them.

Costumes help to enhance our characters. Sometimes it helps to research the time period of the show to figure out what your character should wear. Students will be assigned a character. They will have to draw a rendering of what a character would wear and then get the opportunity to look through a costume box to put together costumes for others. Students will then tie dye a SMS Theater Camp shirt they can keep for after the camp. These tie dye shirts will be wore on Friday for the students dance perform.

Stage Make-Up: Sometimes we are asked to play characters that we do not look like. Along with costumes, make-up helps us transform into our characters. Students will learn how to do normal stage makeup to help actors look not “washed out” and special effect makeup: like old age and bruises.

Choreography: Not just plays are performed on stage but so are musicals. Musicals are “a play or movie in which singing and dancing play an essential part.” Students will learn a dance (or two) with choreographer Katie Gerstmyer, who helps to choreography our school musicals. At the end of the morning session, students will perform their dance(s) for their parents.

To save your spot now, please email Mrs. Gerstmyer at

OR print out the registration form below and send it into the front office.

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Please be sure to tell us your child's shirt size. Campers will be getting a theater camp shirt to tie dye on our costume day.