I am usually at school by 7:45 AM and leave around 3:30 PM. 

School Phone: 580-989-3231

Twitter: mrs_b_green (this is a professional account, so it is mostly education stuff)

Instagram: @bngreen1

Note for virtual days: check the Stream in Google Classroom. I will provide instructions on what to do for a check in or to join a Google Meet.

Let's Keep it simple

1. Be respectful

2. Come prepared

3. Open your mind

Things to Remember

Grading Policy

All work is due by Thursday at 12:00 PM for eligibility.  It will go in as a zero after the due date.  You will be allowed to make up and correct work within a reasonable amount of time.

0% Formative Assessments: Feedback only

0% Participation: (Vocabulary, Board Work, etc)

5%  Completion Grade: (Work turned in for feedback - no more than 10 points)

10% Daily Work: (point based)

20% Section Quiz: (Mini assessments within the unit - point based)

25% Projects: (point based)

40% Summative Assessments: (Unit Tests - point based)


All assignments are posted in Google Classroom. For grades, check Classroom before Wengage


We collaborate a lot in class. There is a difference between collaboration and cheating. You will be assigned to groups every nine weeks.  When we collaborate, that is who you will work with. 

No Class - Still Class

If I am gone or just out of my room (meeting or running late), you are still responsible for your work. When gone, I will post what you need to do in Google Classroom. Sometimes that just means reading a lesson and sometimes it may mean completing an assignment.  If I am running late, say we have a teachers' meeting, I will write on the board what you should be doing.  Since we are on a digital platform, there is no reason for you to be sitting around doing nothing. 

Cell Phones

Cell phones are allowed, and you are expected to use them responsibly. Cell phones are to be put away and not in use during lecture times or when otherwise told not to have them out (look at the stoplight on the board).  Violation of this policy will result in your phone being taken and remain in the office until school is released for the day.

Unless you have permission from me and/or your classmates, you are not allowed to take personal pictures.  You may take pictures of math-related items. 

School Handbook

Be familiar with the policies in the school handbook as they will also apply to my classroom.