About ASB

What is ASB?

ASB is the Associated Student Body of Lincoln Middle School. As the student government we represent student needs and work to make the school a positive and inclusive environment for everyone. We create events, fundraisers, volunteer, get involved in politics, and learn about how government works by participating in one.

How do I Join?

To join the Senate, be sure to apply in Spring on our online application. Then sign up for an interview time slot and come prepared to the interview. Ask Mr Rowe in 503 or a counselor for help. 

To join the House, run as a House Representative during your next election! Ask your Home Base teacher about how to do this.

How does it work?

ASB Congress

ASB at Lincoln is made up of 2 chambers: The House and the Senate. Both chambers must agree for an event, fundraiser, law, or amendment to pass. Together, we refer to the ASB House and Senate as our ASB Congress, or student council.

The House

The House is made up from an elected member from each class in the school. We meet twice a week to vote, deliberate, and ask questions on behalf of our class. We are led by the House Speaker and advised by the ASB advisor.

The Senate

The Senate is made up of students who applied to the program and were accepted by the staff based on academic performance and behavior. We meet every day to vote, deliberate, carry out events. We are led by the President and advised by the ASB advisor.

To create an event or change a law, all you need is a simple majority in both chambers of our ASB Congress and the approval from your ASB President. But what if the President vetoes? You can still pass your idea but this time you would need a 2/3 majority in both chambers to override the President. 

To change how ASB works, you'll need to change the ASB Constitution. To amend the constitution you'll need a 3/4 majority in both House and Senate. Don't worry, the President has no power in amending the constitution.

Our Senate consists of 6 departments and 6 committees. Committees are groups of Senators who carry out the process of making events. They are each assigned two events per semester to organize and execute. Departments consist of Senators who are in charge of running the day to day operation of ASB. This includes running ASB TV, Finances, Records, Justice, Marketing, and leading the class.

ASB Senators are held to a very high standard of behavior. They are required to continuously act in the best interest of our school community by completing service hours, raising school spirit through our events, pursuing service projects, advocating for student needs, and completing their assigned duties to the best of their ability. The syllabus below outlines the specific expectations of our student leaders.

LMS ASB Constitution

LMS ASB Constitution

Here is the Constitution which requires a 3/4 majority in both House and Senate to change.

LMS ASB Event Bill


This is how our events are made. Committees plan their events by successfully completing bills.

LMS ASB Syllabus

ASB Syllabus 2024 2025

This is what is expecting of ASB Senators and the rules they must follow to remain in our 4th period class.

LMS ASB Senate Positions

ASB Senate Positions

Here are all the positions in the ASB Senate currently