Assessment Dates and Events

How you can support your child in Science?

Science is all around us, everywhere we look. You can support your child in science in many different ways.  Discuss and look for the science everyday things we observe and do, such as cooking, driving, fixing a bike. Discuss what science words mean and how they can be used in a sentence. 

In KS3, pupils are given core questions and glossaries at the start of each unit, these can also be found on the website. The knowledge organisers are used in classes for spaced practice but are also a valuable resource for students to use for the homework quizzes. Students are set a variety of homework tasks from google quizzes to creating flash cards and mindmaps using their knowledge organiser.  Please spend time looking at the knowledge organiser and quizzing your child on the topics.   Homework is set weekly at KS3 on the google classroom.

In KS4, homework is set using Google classroom once a week.  Homework can be in the form of google quizzes to aid retrieval, Seneca learning, flashcards, mindmaps and clock diagrams from their revision guide and exam style questions. This enables the students to access a range of retrieval practices which will aid their knowledge retention and revision techniques.

Year 7 Assessment dates:     To be confirmed


Year 8 Assessment dates:     To be confirmed


Year 9 Assessment dates:     To be confirmed


Year 10 Assessment dates:   To be confirmed


Year 11 Assessment dates:  To be confirmed.