Key Stage 3

At Smithdon all pupils study ICT/Computing at Key Stage 3 where we cover a comprehensive range of topic areas. The ICT curriculum covers three main strands:

1. Digital Literacy

2. ICT

3. Computer Science

The curriculum is taught within the Technology rotation, with a double rotation each year.

Click on the drop down arrow for further details of what each year group will cover.

Year 7 ICT

  • Introduction - including passwords, hardware, systems and networks

  • E-safety

  • Spreadsheets - basic

  • Cryptology and Flowol

  • Sequence programming

  • Python - basic

Year 8 ICT

  • HTML

  • Web Authoring

  • Python - advanced

  • Animation and Video Editing

  • Spreadsheets - advanced

  • Database - flat file

Year 9 ICT

  • Photo editing

  • Coding and data representation

  • Database - relational

  • Python - advanced

  • Integrated Project