Exceptions and Petitions 

Education Abroad Exceptions and Petitions

Students are expected to meet all eligibility requirements previously listed in this Education Abroad Guide, and to select education abroad options from among the broad offerings on the list of Education Abroad Approved Programs List. Exceptions to these rules are made only for extraordinary reasons. Exceptions will be considered only in response to a written petition submitted with an Education Abroad Credit Application or Smith Program Abroad Application by the petition deadline. See below for additional information and the procedures for petitioning for an exception. All petitions will be evaluated by the petitions subcommittee of the faculty Committee on Study Abroad (CSA), which is the Smith academic governance body responsible for overseeing study abroad integrity and curricular integrity.

The College does not normally approve applications from students who do not have at least a 3.0 GPA at the time of application. However, if your GPA is slightly below the 3.0 GPA requirement at the time of application, you may petition for consideration of your application. To begin this process, schedule a meeting with the Associate Dean for International study at least one month before the application deadline to discuss your plans for education abroad and to obtain petition instructions. Petitions should be submitted with your completed education abroad credit application by the regular application deadline.

2. Programs Not on the Approved List/Non-Approved Program Petitions

Students who have a compelling academic reason to pursue study on a program not on the Approved Program List must schedule a meeting with the Associate Dean for International Study at least one month before the petition deadline to discuss whether a petition for that program might be considered. Students should also discuss their plans with faculty members in the appropriate department.

Petitions for programs beginning in the fall are due on the first Monday in November and petitions for programs beginning Spring are due on the third Monday in February, with a completed Education Abroad Credit Application. For spring petitions, if you are planning to study abroad even if the program you submit a petition for is not approved, you must also submit a Education Abroad Credit Application for at least one other program on the approved list, in the event that the petition is not approved.

Programs will be evaluated on the strength of the academic offerings and their match with your goals, consistency with Smith academic standards, and arrangements for housing, health, and support services, and other factors as relevant. Petitions are generally not approved for programs in countries where a Smith Program abroad is located (France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland) unless a compelling reason indicates that you are not able to pursue your plan of study at that site.

3. Studying Abroad in Two Locations

Students are expected to study abroad in one location for one or two semesters. The rationale for this policy is based on the commitment to support education abroad as an intensive learning experience within a specific cultural environment. Research shows that a significant part of education abroad learning takes place after departure from the host country, as students reflect on and react to the impact of their experience. The immediate shift to a second program in a new destination can sometimes interfere with the reflection on the learning outcomes of the initial program.

Only in exceptional circumstances will the CSA Petitions subcommittee give permission for study in two separate program locations over the course of an academic or calendar year. Students with compelling academic reasons may request permission to study in two different locations by submitting a petition statement and a letter of support from a faculty member with a Education Abroad Credit Application for each program by the third Monday in February. Your statement should be based on an academic purpose and address some of the following factors:

If you think you can make a strong case for the viability and academic value of two separate programs, be sure that your advisers understand and approve of your plans for both semesters. You also must discuss your plans in detail with the Associate Dean in the Office for International Study at least one month before the application deadline.

4. Studying Abroad as a Senior

Ordinarily, students are encouraged to study abroad during their junior year.  However, it is possible to study abroad during your senior year, and it is an option that is increasingly common due to the many opportunities presented in the first two years at Smith. 

In order to be approved to study abroad your senior year you must complete these steps:

Please, do not hesitate to email the Office of International Study at studyabroad@smith.edu if you have any questions about this process, or need any help.