Arriving Abroad

Address Abroad

Please inform the Office for International Study of your residential address and local phone number, using the online Change of Address Form.

Courses Abroad

When planning to take courses abroad, please keep in mind the following important points:

  • In non-English speaking countries, students are required to either study the local language or take courses taught in the local language of the host country each semester abroad when offered by the program or university. This requirement applies to countries where another local language is spoken inmost households and everyday places despite the use of English in government and formal education. For example, students must study French in Quebec, Twi in Ghana, Hebrew in Israel, Hindi in Delhi, and Zulu or Afrikaans in South Africa. Students who take one semester of a course abroad that is part of a year-long course at Smith will only receive credit for the course abroad once the second semester of study had been completed. Examples are Introductory Greek, Latin and Arabic. Credit is only transferable for liberal arts courses similar to those in Smith’s curriculum.

  • Courses with a professional focus such as accounting, business, marketing, communications, or some journalism courses will not transfer unless you receive, in advance, the written approval of a Smith department chair. Otherwise, students may enroll in such courses only if you begin the semester abroad with a credit surplus; the course name and grade will be shown on the Smith transcript, but no credit will be earned. Contact the Assistant Dean for International Study if you wish to have permission for this option.

  • Credit is not transferred for distance-learning or courses taught online. Credit will not be awarded for a course taken abroad that duplicates the content of a course for which Smith credit has already been earned.

  • Students are expected to take courses abroad that correspond to their academic level (generally 300 level or third year courses). If you are interested in taking an introductory level course, or have no other option in available courses, you must consult first with the Assistant Dean for International Study.

  • Students may not take a reduced load. The number of courses in which you enroll each term must constitute the normal (not minimum) full-time load at that institution, and all the courses should be in areas for which Smith credit is transferable. Students with an excess of Smith credits before studying abroad who wish to take a course that will not transfer must consult with and gain approval of the Assistant Dean for International Study.

  • Students are expected to abide by all program/host university academic rules and regulations including but not limited to S/U grading options, adding/dropping courses, etc. All examinations must be taken if they are required of host-country students and open to visiting students; alternative forms of assessment are not acceptable when the form of assessment used for host-country students is available. Students SHOULD NOT MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO LEAVE THEIR PROGRAMS/HOST INSTITUTION BEFORE THEY KNOW THE DATES OF THEIR FINAL EXAMS. Failure to take the final exam means risking failing the course. Given the differences in academic schedules, this means you will need to be very conscious of the dates on which summer internships, jobs or other commitments begin.

  • On Smith-approved programs, no extra credit is awarded for a full load carried over a longer period than a regular Smith semester (for example, 2 terms of study at Oxford, or a pre-session followed by a semester of study in Latin America). A maximum of 16 credits per semester or 32 credits per year is awarded for a full load of courses abroad.

  • Major or minor credit is dependent upon department approval and it is your responsibility to check with your academic advisor or the department chair to determine whether the course will satisfy departmental requirements.

Changing Courses

You may find that some or all of the courses you had pre-approved change once you begin the semester. The Smith Office for International Study will work with you to ensure that the new courses you choose are approved for Smith credit. Use the Course Change Form to seek approval for new courses. Contact the Office for International Study with any questions.

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