Analytical Lab
Gas chromatography-
Gas chromatography-
Mass spectrometer
Mass spectrometer
From Shimadzu, Japan
From Shimadzu, Japan
Ion Source Featuring High Sensitivity and Long-Term Stability, One Touch Inlet Maintenance, High-Speed Scan Control Technology, Advanced GC Oven. A new flow controller (AFC) with a CPU control carrier gas flow to a constant flow speed, flowrate, or pressure. The new large-capacity differential exhaust system enhances the vacuum performance when hydrogen or nitrogen is used as the carrier gas, so the optimal MS state is achieved under all carrier gas conditions. Internal contamination can be confirmed visually, ensuring filters are replaced at the proper time.
Ion Source Featuring High Sensitivity and Long-Term Stability, One Touch Inlet Maintenance, High-Speed Scan Control Technology, Advanced GC Oven. A new flow controller (AFC) with a CPU control carrier gas flow to a constant flow speed, flowrate, or pressure. The new large-capacity differential exhaust system enhances the vacuum performance when hydrogen or nitrogen is used as the carrier gas, so the optimal MS state is achieved under all carrier gas conditions. Internal contamination can be confirmed visually, ensuring filters are replaced at the proper time.
Injector port Carrier gas head pressure setting up to 1035 kPa(150psi), Injection Port heating up to 450 degree C, High power column oven heating up to 450 degree C, Mass Range 1.5m/z to 1,090 m/z, Resolution (FWHM): 04. To 2 u, Maximum Scan rate of 20,000 amu /sec, EI Scan Sensitivity S/N Ratio >2000 RMS for 1 pg Octa fluoronaphthalene m/z 272, Vacuum System with 360 l/ sec, TMP with Dual Inlet (190 l/sec for Ion Source and 170 ltr/sec for Detector) in differential pumping modes
Injector port Carrier gas head pressure setting up to 1035 kPa(150psi), Injection Port heating up to 450 degree C, High power column oven heating up to 450 degree C, Mass Range 1.5m/z to 1,090 m/z, Resolution (FWHM): 04. To 2 u, Maximum Scan rate of 20,000 amu /sec, EI Scan Sensitivity S/N Ratio >2000 RMS for 1 pg Octa fluoronaphthalene m/z 272, Vacuum System with 360 l/ sec, TMP with Dual Inlet (190 l/sec for Ion Source and 170 ltr/sec for Detector) in differential pumping modes
Food, textile, plastic, water, biological fluids, etc. pesticide, aroma, PAH, phthalate, VOC, toxicology and NBS analyzes in samples etc.
Food, textile, plastic, water, biological fluids, etc. pesticide, aroma, PAH, phthalate, VOC, toxicology and NBS analyzes in samples etc.
Location:- SMITA Analytical lab
Location:- SMITA Analytical lab
Charges: As applicable