Please donate to Project SAFE Grad Party

Donations help pay for the cost of the party and prize money which is NOT covered by the registration fee, such as police enforcement of the students belongings & car while parked overnight at the school and bus transportation to and from Jake's Unlimited. Donations may be tax-deductible. 


Join the SMHS Alumni Association!

What is a PTC?  “PTC” stands for “Parent-Teacher Club” and consists of parents, teachers, family members, and community sponsors working together to enrich student life at the school.  The SMHS PTC’s mission is to provide the school with support that will help maximize the education of the students. 

Who should join the PTC?  Anyone!  You do not need to be a parent or teacher to join. The PTC needs the support of parents, grandparents, teachers, school staff, and community members.  

If  I join, do I have to volunteer? Nope.  The PTC appreciates everyone’s membership, whether or not a member volunteers.  If you can’t volunteer time, please join and give your financial support.  The money will be put to great use.  

Do I have to join every year to stay an active member? Yes. Membership is good for one school year. Your dues help the PTC fund yearly expenses, like teacher luncheons, grants, scholarships, etc. 

If I join, do I have to come to meetings?  No.  Meetings are optional, but are an excellent way to stay on top of happenings at Shadow Mountain.  Meetings offer a constructive platform for you to voice concerns and suggest improvements.

If my teen doesn’t want me involved in his/her school life, should I still join the PTC?  Definitely.  It role models the importance of giving and shows your teen you are invested and interested in their educational experience.

Does my one family not joining really matter?  YES!  The PTC can only help the teachers, students, and school with the support of its members.  Every membership matters!

2024-25 Board Members

President: Joy Rea -

Vice President: Erin McDonald -

Secretary: Sandy Trujillo -

Bookkeeper: Rhonda Patterson -