Ask the SMFCSD School Psychologist

Advice line to support you and your child during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Submit a question. View video-recorded answers from a panel of school psychologists and mental health/educational professionals.

The COVID-19 pandemic and school closures have forced us all to make significant adjustments to our normal lives. As a group of psychology and mental health professionals for the SMFCSD, we are pooling our collective knowledge by opening up this “advice line.” Our goal is to help children succeed socially, emotionally, and academically. We welcome questions about child development, mental health, and educational or behavioral challenges. Examples include:

1. "My son is feeling really anxious about contracting Covid-19 and won’t let me leave the house. Do you have advice on talking with children about the pandemic and helping them worry less?"

2. "My child has a learning disability and is not engaged with online learning. What are some things I can do to motivate her to complete school work?"

We will screen and anonymize all questions and, depending on volume, answer the ones that have broadest applicability. Questions will be answered by a panel of 1-3 practitioners. We sincerely hope this range of perspectives will be of value and support to you! Please note that if you have specific questions about special education services for your child, you should contact your child’s school site.

Click the button below to submit your general question!

Helping a 7-year-old cope with missing her friends: "My daughter has had several meltdowns because she is missing her friends. We encourage to her facetime them, write letters (which we drop off to their homes), ride by their houses to say 'hi,' but despite all of the coping strategies we have done with her, she still misses just giving them hugs. How else can we help her tackle this problem?"

Supplemental Resources

Motivating Middle School Students during Distance Learning : "My middle schooler seems much more negatively impacted than my elementary schooler by the pandemic lockdown. The 8th grader is completely disengaged from schoolwork, staying up to 3-4am, missing class google meets and assignments and has zero motivation while spending all device time on social media and games. We had to restrict her wifi access and took away her phone to get her to do minimal schoolwork and it's still not working...What is the school doing to get kids back to some meaningful engagement and connection?"

Supplemental Resources

Prevencion de Covid-19: Por favor vea este video con consejos útiles para prevenir la propagación de Covid-19.

Supplemental Resources

Helping 8th Graders Cope with Shelter in Place: "My daughter is feeling unmotivated, frustrated, and just "down-&-out" with the continued shelter-in-place after about 6 weeks. Not interested in school or activities at home. Spending lots of time on internet (watching shows, playing mindcraft)... She is saddened by loss of her 8th grade graduation related fun activities, hanging out with peers, and pessimistic whether high school freshman year will be the same in the Fall. Q: 1) What are things she can do manage and cope? 2) As a parent, how can I help her? What not to do? 3) What are cues/signals to seek professional mental guidance?"

Bedtime Routines and Getting Kids to Listen: "Ever since the shelter-in-place, my daughter's sleeping patterns have really regressed. I can't get her to sleep on time, and I can't get her to wake up when I want her to. I'm also having a hard time getting her to listen to me and put her toys away. Any advice?"