Tips for success

Consejos para el éxito


Your environment has a huge impact on your learning and productivity.

AND, We know sometimes it is a challenge to create that type of environment when home & around others!

Here are some tips for choosing and creating a dedicated workspace for distance learning.

Quiet and Private
To the best of your ability, choose a location in your home where you can focus - away from noise and distractions.

Gather Materials
Make sure everything you need to learn is located within arm’s reach at your work space, including water and a snack.

Clear your learning space of clutter and non-essential items. Tidy up before you start learning each day - a clean space boosts productivity.

Minimize Distractions
You know yourself best: what in your home is likely to distract you? How can you avoid it? Also… PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY! TikTok will still be there after school, we promise!

Talk to the people in your household and let them know about your distance learning plans - where you’ll be working and what you’ll need from them.

Make it comfortable
Maybe you work best by a window, or sitting on the floor, or like to have a bright lamp nearby, etc.. Personalize your learning space in a way that works best for you.


Stay Up to date

Check your loopmail AND google classrooms every day to make sure you have the latest information.

Ask Questions

If you’re stuck on something, don’t hesitate to reach out to your teacher for clarification or to set up a meeting. They’re here to help! If you have a question, chances are someone else does too.

Connect with Peers: Find a Study Buddy!

Learning is social and collaborative, even online! Participate actively in your classes, stay in touch with your peers and classmates, support each other, and collaborate as possible.

TIP # 3: stay organized

Stick to a routine

Try to structure your day as much like a “regular” school day as possible. Wake up, get dressed, and get ready as if you were leaving the house at the same time every day. Consistency is key!

Use your Calendar!

Write everything (classes, assignments, due dates) out on a calendar--your phone or Google Calendar are great resources. Check your calendar daily so that you are on track. Color code your classes for easy reading.

Follow the Schedule

Display your schedule somewhere you know you’ll see it daily. Use the break and lunch time for (good) breaks! It will REALLY help you on the daily, promise! Move, breathe, eat, sing, dance, do jumping jacks, take advantage of that time to let your mind rest!

Use your resources

You’re not in this alone! Use the tools and people available to you to help you stay on track while learning online. Get creative with what you have at home: stick post-its up as reminders, write a calendar on a whiteboard, set alarms on your phone to act as bells between classes, etc. If you need more ideas, ASK!