Social Studies Resources


Maps of the 7 Continents, United States & New York State are attached below.

World Map Key 2018.pdf
NYS Map Key 2018.pdf
US Map Key 2018.pdf


This is a text message based app that I will use this year to send out important reminders and updates to students via text message.

It is completely free but text message and data will be used on your cell phone plan. It is not required but is encouraged if text messages and data limits are not an issue in your family.

Parents are encouraged to sign up as well as students to stay in the loop.

There's no such thing as too many reminders!

Directions for signing up:

1. Start a new text message on your phone

2. Type in 81010 as the phone number

3. Type in @jmorrella as the message

4. Hit send and follow directions from there!

It will ask if you are a parent or student or teacher.

From there I will add you to the correct class.

This year I will be teaching Social Studies 7, Social Studies 8 and moderating

Student Council.

If you have any questions email me or talk to me in class.


(NOVELNY) New York State Online Virtual Electronic Library is your most reliable source of finding documents when doing research for any of your classes.

Go to the website or click HERE

These three different databases are recommended for in depth research on a topic.

*Kids InfoBits: Contains over 550 magazines for grades K-8 including a dictionary, maps, flags, seals, charts and graphs.

*Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Contains a range of perspectives on important current issues with over 21,000 pro/con viewpoints.

*Research in Context: Contains magazines, newspapers, primary source documents and videos for grades 6-8.

Encyclopedia Britannica

*Britannica School: Choose your level - middle - and gather basic or introductory information on your topic of research here.

Infotrac is a large catalog of numerous different magazines from the past and recent.

*InfoTrac Newstands: Full text database of newspapers from several New York Newspapers like the New York Times from 1995 onward and over 1,000 major U.S. regional, national and local newspapers.

*New York State Newspapers: Local papers catalog including The Buffalo News

Google Earth

This is an amazing resource created by Google that brings you to any place in the world through GPS positioning and the innovation of the Google geniuses.

Throughout the year we will be taking "virtual field trips" all over the world to learn about history through the eyes of Google Earth. An example of one, on the Age of Exploration, can be found by going to, then choosing Voyager, then "Age of Exploration".

Welcome to WebRangers!

This is the National Park Service's site for kids of all ages. If you love our National Parks, Monuments and Historic Sites, this site is for you. If you are new to our National Parks, we hope this site helps you experience how wonderful they can be. Click HERE to enter.