Mrs. Buonocore 

Welcome to 3rd grade! My name is Amy Buonocore and this is my second year teaching third grade at St. Mark.  Previously, I taught second grade at Porter's Neck Elementary and spent the majority of my teaching career at Sunset Park Elementary, teaching 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade.  I have been teaching a total of 14 years.  

I grew up outside of Cleveland Ohio and moved to Wilmington, NC in 2002 to attend UNCW where I also was a member of the women's soccer team.  I have a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education, Master's in Language and Literacy, and also received my National Board Certification as a Middle Childhood Generalist.  

My husband Nick and I have been married for six years and together have a big, beautiful blended family.  We just dropped our oldest off at UNC Pembroke, where he will pursue his wrestling career.  Go Braves! We also have two children who attend Laney High School, and our three youngest boys will be here at  St. Mark in PreK, 1st and 4th. 

Growing up, sports were always a large and important part of my life.  I have learned many valuable life lessons that I have taken with me and apply in my classroom as I build a community of learners.  I believe in teaching students the importance of learning how to grow individually, while also learning to work as a valuable member of a team, keeping the lord at the center of all we do.  

In my classroom, students will learn how to be active participants in their own learning.  We will strive to do this through goal setting, working cooperatively with others, and meeting high expectations that will maximize growth throughout the whole school year.  

Thank you for sharing your children with me this year and I look forward to the journey God has in store for us together!