Classroom Expectations 

Third grade will be utilizing a token economy system where students have the opportunity to earn Buonocore Bucks and Wiedmeier Ones for demonstrating positive behavior.  In the event of negative choices, they will also pay fines.  A classroom store will be available for students to buy materials that they may need, as well as intangible and tangible items.  If you are interested in donating store items please let me know! 

Students are expected to carry the mindset "Open Hearts, Open Minds." We will be using the acronym R.O.A.R. (respect, offering, accordance, reflection) as guiding principles to live by.  

Within this, students are expected to demonstrate respect, responsibility, kindness, and safety throughout the entire school building.  We will use these principles to reinforce positive choices.  Students who are demonstrating leadership in these areas may receive a token for their efforts.   The class (grades 3-5) that receives the most tokens will be rewarded with a popcorn party at the end of the quarter.