Rehearsal Schedule 

We are coming down to the wire and after last night's practice we are in need of some extra practice.  We still had many who had no idea what the songs, dance and lines they were supposed to say.  Practicing at home is a must and I dont believe it is happening for everyone.  So I have updated the online calendar to reflect more practices.  I realize that your child may not be able to come to all based on other obligations.  I do want your child to try to be at all if possible.  We have two weeks left and we have to get more time to practice.  

11/2 - Thursday - everyone is called now.  Cast A & B needs to come this Thursday.  We are also staying until 5:15 if possible.  

Next week - 

11/6 Monday - everyone is called both casts until 5:00

11/7 Tuesday - everyone is called both casts until 5:00

11/8 Wednesday - choir only 

11/9 Thursday - everyone is called both casts until 5:00

11/10 Friday - everyone is called both casts until 5:00

Here is the calendar that was sent home with the Drama Club information.