Grades/Late Work/Recovery:

All classwork is due on the assigned due date. Late work will only be accepted one day late. If a student turns in work late, points may be deducted.

​According to SMCPS policy, there is no recovery for vocabulary quizzes and projects where students have received on-going feedback from teachers.

Technology Assignments:

As a participant in the STEM Academy, your child will be required to complete assignments, research, and/or projects using various websites. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns about being able to access the internet from home. ​

Homework Policy:

In order to provide SMCPS STEM students and families with consistent expectations and facilitate engagement in extra-curricular activities, STEM 4 and STEM 5 teachers, students and families are asked to adhere to our LPES STEM homework guidelines. Homework should be an opportunity for students to practice newly taught skills through independent review for extension and enrichment.

Homework is designed to take 40 minutes per weekday night, Monday-Thursday. No homework will be assigned for weekend nights, Friday-Sunday.

For Mathematics/Science, homework will most often consist of a 20 minute assignment from the students' workbooks. Homework is critical in preparation for the next day's instruction as this is the jumping off point for instruction. Students who do not complete homework or leave the assignment at home will struggle with the first portion of the lesson.

For English/Language Arts, students should read and reflect for 20 minutes per night. This could include research, novel reading, informational reading, word work, studying, or self-selected reading. Assigned reading activities will be incorporated into the 20 minute time allotment, but voluntary reading for enjoyment is always encouraged.

LPES STEM students will utilize their agenda books/planners to record the assignment, important due dates, and information. It is the students responsibility to write these assignments, dates, and reminders in their agenda book. Students should responsibly secure necessary materials for homework completion and should responsibly complete assignments in a timely manner. At times, technology will need to be accessible to complete homework assignments. Parents should understand the amount of assistance required for homework assignments and communicate with the teacher if a student is demonstrating difficulty or exceeding time allotments.

LPES STEM teachers will provide and reinforce clear expectations regarding homework assignments, due dates, and upcoming projects or assessments. LPES STEM teachers will also provide a means for clear communication with parents and will reiterate the purpose for homework assignments and projects to students. Homework is to serve as a form of data collection, so STEM 4 and STEM 5 teachers will not assign a specific grade to a homework assignment.