Using Imagine Language & Literacy

Imagine Language & Literacy is an adaptive learning solution that accelerates reading and language proficiency. Designed to supplement core literacy instruction, Imagine Language & Literacy provides instruction and practice in all four domains of literacy—reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

The first time your child logs into the platform they will take a Performance Assessment. It is important that parents not help students with the pretest, benchmark, or any other assessments as this data is used to accurately place students in their grade level path. You will be able to tell if they are taking an assessment because there will be no corrective feedback offered.

Imagine Reading & Imagine Language and Literacy

Imagine Literacy At Home

Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Español can be used as a supplement to Schoology in grades K-5 for all students and grades K-12 for ELL.

Follow these simple steps to help your child begin using their Imagine Learning program:

  1. Please use a laptop, tablet or desktop, cell phones aren't supported.

  2. Your child will follow the login directions provided by their teacher. Use the "Logging In Page" for help.

  3. Watch the Parent Introduction in English or Spanish

  4. Students in Language & Literacy watch this video

  5. Students in Español watch this video