7. Final Project Work

Work on Final Project

Lesson 7 Teacher Slideshow


Complete a Final Project Planning Feedback Form for your partner.


Complete your Design Elements slide for your final project.

Complete a Design Elements Feedback Form for your partner.


Introduce 3-Before-Me Strategy for students to get help with their projects.

Follow these steps for getting help.

  • Check the P5.js reference page and click on examples.

  • Ask 3 students for advice about how to solve the problem or find the information you need.

  • Ask your teacher for help.


Continue working on your final project.

  • Spend the remainder of the class period working on your project.

  • Tomorrow, the teacher will ask students to share their project status with a partner and receive feedback.

  • Final projects are due at the end of the week.

  • If a project is not complete, have a plan for how you would finish it if you had more time. (Note: due to the technical aspects of coding, some students may not have time to complete all the parts of their projects. This issue can be addressed in the final rubric as long as students have a plan for how they would complete their projects.)