1.Introduction to P5.js

Design your own emoji

Week 1, Lesson 1 (DRAFT)


What are the parts of P5.js and what do they do?


What are the parts of the circle() function and what do they do?


Make your own emoji using shape functions and arguments. Copy this starter project.


For each challenge, students complete a self-assessment rubric.

Lesson 1 Design Challenge Emoji Self-Assessment Rubric

Let's be picky about vocabulary!

Web Editor - an online programming environment where code is written, edited and executed;

Function - a defined action that you can use. Example: background(220);

Argument - an input to a function. Example background(220);

Parameter - what the argument means. Example: function background(color), the argument=220 which is the color, gray, a parameter;

Note: Argument and Parameter are often used interchangably, so don't worry about it!