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Week 1/3

Fundamentals of p5.js

Lesson 1

Outcome: Create an original emoji design in P5.js using an existing starter project.

Lesson 2

Outcome: Use shapes, images and text to create an impactful logo. 

Lesson 3

Outcome: Learn how functions work and design a CS Hero Poster. 

Lesson 4

Outcome: Use a design template starter project to create a t-shirt design.

Lesson 5

Outcome: Use random() and/or for-loops to create a repeated pattern design.

Week 2/3

Design Solutions with Design Templates

Lesson 6

Outcome: Begin planning a message for the final design project. 

Lesson 7

Outcome: Incorporate feedback into the final project designs and continue working. 

Lesson 8

Outcome: Incorporate feedback into final project designs and continue working.

Lesson 9

Outcome: Incorporate feedback into final project designs and continue working. 

Lesson 10

Outcome: Reflect on the final project design and complete a self-assessment. 

Week 3/3

Extension - Climate Art for Congress

Lesson 11

Outcome: Discover how climate change messages create an emotional response. 

Lesson 12

Outcome: Brainstorm a climate message to inspire a legislator to take action on climate change.  

Lesson 13

Outcome: Begin working on a computer program to create a climate message using P5.js. 

Lesson 14

Outcome: Continue working on a computer program to create a climate message. 

Lesson 15

Outcome: Reflect on the final project design and complete a self-assessment.