5. Design Templates, Randomness and For-loops

Make a Repeated Pattern Design

Lesson 5 Teacher Slideshow


Share your t-shirt designs.

Complete a self-assessment rubric. (Make a copy)


What are the parts of the random() function? As a class, open the t-shirt template with random() and do PPC.


Change parameters in the for-loop. What do you notice? What do you wonder about?


Make your own repeated pattern design. Copy this starter project or use the code from this project with another design template. (Make a copy)


With a partner, or on your own, explore repeated patterns and additional design templates in this mini-lesson.

Lesson 5 Repeated Patterns Mini Lesson

Let's be picky about vocabulary!

Loop - a control structure that repeats a sequence of instructions either infinitely, or until a specific condition is met.

for-loop - a loop that starts with the word 'for'.