3.Functions and CS Hero Posters

Design with custom functions

Lesson 3 Teacher Slideshow (posters)


Share Your Logo Re-Designs.


Functions Defined - Code.org Video with Chris Bosh

Open the Starter Project

  • Locate two function definitions (preload & setup)

  • Try moving the loadImage() function from preload to setup and back again

hero = loadImage('2cynthia.png');

  • Show existing images located under Sketch Files

  • Replace 2cynthia.png with an image from Sketch Files


What are the parts of the of the Preload & Setup Starter Project?

What do the different parts do?


Make your own CS Hero Poster. Copy this starter project.

  • Fill in the hero's job using the about() function.

  • Add a fun hashtag.

  • Add a new hero image, and update the other info.

  • Adjust the colors.

  • Be inspired!


For each challenge, students complete a self-assessment rubric.

Let's be picky about vocabulary!

Argument - an input to a function. Example background(220). The number 220 is the argument.

Parameters - what the arguments actually mean. Example: function = background(color), where the argument = 220. But what does 220 mean? The color 220 is gray. That's the parameter.

Coordinate Plane - a two-dimensional surface created by the intersection of two lines, the x-axis and the y-axis.

Function - a set of statements that perform a task in a computer program, and may include parameters.

Defining a Function - explaining what a function should do, including its name and parameters. ex: function cake(size, col){//some stuff}

Calling a Function - running a function by calling its name and any arguments it needs. ex: cake(20, 'green');