Sustainable and Climate Ready Schools Admin Fellowship
A Program of the San Mateo County Office of Education's Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Initiative (ELSI)
The last cohort to complete this program is the 2021 cohort
The Sustainable and Climate Ready Schools Administrator (Admin) Fellowship Program supports educational leaders to successfully drive environmental transformation across their school community, and meet the increasing curricular and facilities mandates related to environmental literacy/sustainability and climate resiliency. This knowledge-to-action fellowship focuses on successfully managing change through the development and implementation of a project that does one or more of the following:
Greens one aspect of their school/district's facilities and operations, and utilizes these efforts in the curriculum as a laboratory for learning;
Develops and implements a strategic plan for integrating environmental literacy into the curriculum and instruction for all students at every grade level;
Supports a project that prepares the school/district to be Climate Ready in one focus area (high heat, floods, wildfires, trauma-informed practices for climate change, etc).
This semester long fellowship program has three core components that fellows must complete in order to be eligible for a stipend.
WORKSHOPS & ONGOING LEARNING: The monthly workshops, asynchronous learning, and coaching sessions are where the majority of program objectives take place (i.e. strengthening knowledge base, skill building, network creation, and project support).
COMMUNITY IMPACT PROJECT: Fellows will be supported and guided through the process of developing and implementing an Administrator-Led Community Impact Project that will launch by Earth Week (April 22nd).
FINAL DELIVERABLES: All participants of the program will submit two final deliverables:
Administrator Fellowship Case Study: See template here, and examples from past fellows here: 2020 fellows and 2021 fellows.
Capstone Presentation: Prepare and deliver a five minute presentation about your project.
Program Support for the SCRS Admin Fellowship
Andra Yeghoian
Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Coordinator
SCRS AF: Program Lead and Coach
Naomi Stern
Green Facilities and Operations Analyst
SCRS AF: Technical Assistant Support
Amity Sandage
Environmental Literacy Coordinator
Santa Cruz County Office of Education
SCRS AF: Coach
Jenn Mutch
Science Coordinator
Santa Clara County Office of Education
SCRS AF: Coach